Next Samsung Security Unlock Method: PALM SCANNING!!!

We have seen the fingerprint scanner, FaceID or even an Iris security in 2017 flagships smartphone! However, Samsung might bring a surprise in the upcoming year! Read more about the new Samsung Security Unlock method: Palm Scanning!

Samsung Security Unlock

Next Samsung Security Unlock: Palm Scanning

Recently, we have come across the news about a whole new security scan from Samsung. In details, Samsung wants to use their users’ palm as a security check now. By scanning your palm, the device will be able to identify its owners and give them the password in case they forget. Previously, Samsung has innovated their security scan with a new Iris scanner. One of the most highlighted handsets to come with this technology was the Samsung Galaxy 8 and Galaxy Note 8.

So how does this Palm Scanner work? When activated, you will use the front camera to take a photo of your palm. There might be a risk of your palm not being unique here. However, there is a low chance of stranger having your palm pattern than your facial photos. Additionally, the password will be scattered across the lines without any pattern. This method is another security layer that Samsung wants to add. In case someone peeks at your handset, they won’t recognise your passcode easily or remember them.

Samsung Security Unlock

On the other hand, various Samsung smartphones have different ways to unlock them. There are PIN, password, fingerprint sensor and even facial recognition. However, these might be not enough for the Korean giant! They always seem to be searching more a more secure and safe way to protect their users. As a result, the palm scanning might take a while before being applied in any handsets. Since Samsung now believes it is not the most secure layer.

What will be the Next Samsung Security Unlock?

While this method might not appear anytime soon, we can still believe in Samsung’ development for it. But for now, the Korean manufacturer might want to take time perfecting their 3D facial recognition technology first. Would you like to have this security method on your handset? Leave a comment to let us know!