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Samsung ISOCELL Plus tech brings low-light photography to a new level

Every big company all strikes for success and Samsung is no exception. Recently, the company has developed a new ISOCELL Plus tech that brings low-light photography to the next level. Keep reading to find out more!

Samsung ISOCELL Plus tech for low-light condition

Earlier this year, Samsung made advances in low-light mobile photography; due to the variable aperture lens debuted on the Galaxy S9 series. However, thanks to the new ISOCELL Plus technology, pictures in low-light setting could get even better. Besides, the company’s ISOCELL technology has been the backbone of Samsung’s cameras for a number of years now. But with this new and improved version, the company has increased its focus on light isolation.

After all, the greater the amount of light that is captured by pixels, the better the image quality in low-light conditions. With a new material that Samsung has jointly developed with Fujifilm, it helps to replace the metal inside current-generation sensors; and reduce light leaks. In fact, the brand claims it can now produce sensors that are 15% more sensitive to light. Meanwhile, it continues using pixels of up to 0.8 micrometres in size.

This means the company can effectively obtain much better results without needing to increase the overall space occupied by the sensors. Following up on this news, Samsung plans to show off demo versions of the new camera tech at the Shanghai Mobile World Congress event in the next few days.

Samsung ISOCELL Plus tech availability

According to our source, the South Korean company will likely reveal a launching timeframe soon. Besides, there’s a rumour that the Galaxy S10 line will likely be the first smartphones to sport the new sensors. However, if Samsung already has the technology ready, it could potentially include it on the back of the Galaxy Note 9 that is set to debut in August.

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