Quick guide for using Lazada Voucher

Lazada brings you a lot of bargain these days. A lot of Voucher Codes for many products will give you 10% discount on every produtcs. The question is how to use this chance. Today we will show you how to use it by providing some specific following steps.

We will take the the Huawei Ascend G7 for PHP 14850, for an example.

Newest Voucher for 11.11.2014



Example: Lazada Voucher Code Usage for Huawei Ascend G7

1. Visit the Huawei Ascend G7 Site on Lazada and click the Buy Now Button – http://www.lazada.com.ph/


2. Proceed to Checkout Please 


3. Please enter a Valid Email Adress or your Account Data if you are Lazada Customer already


4. Enter your Delivery Adress Please 


5. Now on the last page please enter the Voucher Code Example: XMAS10 here: 



6. Click on Use the Voucher to get the Huawei Ascend G7 for 14850 PHP


7. Place your Order to buy the Original Huawei Ascend G7 for 14850 PHP



Done! You did it and you have just bought the Huawei Ascend G7 for 14850 PHP. I really hope that this guide is a little useful for you guys.