HOT: Qualcomm is going to announce Adreno Turbo chipset tomorrow!

It looks like Huawei has got a new competition regarding the GPU Turbo technology! Recently, news broke out that Qualcomm is going to announce its own Adreno Turbo chipset tomorrow! Keep reading for more details!

Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 chipset benchmark

Qualcomm new Adreno Turbo chipset

Recently, an unexpected series of teasers emerged on Qualcomm’s official Weibo account. One of them is a poster of a chipset inside a smartphone with some teasers engraved in there reading “smoother,” “cooler,” “smarter.” Thus, we believe that the company is making a gaming-related announcement tomorrow; and the most obvious guess is an update to compete with Huawei’s recently launched GPU Turbo tech.

Much like Huawei’s optimisation, we can expect the Qualcomm chips to run cooler, more efficiently and deliver better, smoother, gameplay at higher frame rates with specific titles thanks to a new-found optimisation. Alternatively, we could be looking at an entirely new processor. However, the big question is why Qualcomm would put out the teaser only in China. Well, the company is definitely going to tell us for sure by the end of tomorrow.

Adreno Turbo chipset

In the meantime, let’s take a look again at the Huawei GPU Turbo for some comparison! In details, this technology is a revolutionary graphics processing acceleration technology. Moreover, the technology brings high performance, more power saving, high picture quality and more. On top of that, GPU Turbo achieves a significant improvement in graphics processing efficiency. Besides, the graphics processor reduces power consumption through the optimisation of software and hardware. According to Yu Chengdong, GPU Turbo broke through the processing bottleneck between the EMUI operating system, the GPU, and the CPU. Thus, the handset receives better graphics processing efficiency. As far as it concerns, GPU Turbo can improve graphics processing efficiency by up to 60% and SoC power consumption by 30%.

Qualcomm Adreno Turbo chipset release date

As mentioned above, all secrets will be put under the light soon as the company will hold an announcing event tomorrow in China. So be patient and stay tuned with us for further updates!