Nokia To Launch 4G Internet On The Moon In 2023

While other smartphone companies are trying to dominate each market, Nokia has a bigger plan that is literally ‘out-of-this-world’: the moon!


Nokia Is Bringing 4G Internet To The Moon

The cellphone market has been a heated battlefield for many smartphone manufacturers. Now that Nokia is losing the race to others, they have their eyes on another target. Based on the latest report, the Finnish brand plans to launch 4G internet on the moon within 2023. This decision came from an ongoing partnership between Nokia and NASA.

Firstly, they want to establish stable connectivity for “sustainable exploration on the moon.” This means NSA can easily receive and send all HD videos, robotics, and applications and create a host for other capabilities. In 2020, NASA chose Nokia as the main builder for its inaugural cellular network on the moon.

Nokia To Launch 4G Internet On The Moon In 2023

They requested to deploy the first LTE/4G communications system to space, which can help support all human investigations on the lunar surface. On the other hand, the new network can help provide all critical data transmission needed for the exploration. There are command and control functions, as well as remote controls over any lunar rovers. All real-time streaming and navigation with HD quality will also be available.

Future Plan

Another important detail of this project is the search for Luna ice. This discovery can replace water, fuel, and even oxygen sources for future endeavors. Nokia designs a solar-powered rover and an antenna-equipped base station on the moon. The new network will be launched later this year through a SpaceX rocket.