Meet Donug, the strange-but-truly-delicious chicken nugget doughnut!!

Cronut, step aside. Because we have a brand new food mash-up is heading for the throne of the best food in 2018! Meet the strangest-yet-probably-delicious combination: DONUG!


Meet Donug, the strange-but-truly-delicious chicken nugget doughnut!!

The rule of the cronut as most inquisitive nourishment mashup may come to an end: There is an unused contender for strangest-yet-probably-delicious. Crag Carrick, a Scotsman businessman in Australia, has chosen to make a big chicken piece within the shape of a doughnut. The donug is a way to describe how to make it – combines a chicken nugget and doughnut into one form.

So how do you make Donug? The chickens are first moulded into a classic doughnut ring. From then, it is covered in a cornflake and panko crumb and deep fried. After that, people can choose to add one of three sauces into the donug. There are cheesy Dijon bechamel, hot chilli, or golden curry of Japan with mozzarella.

Carrick showed the idea on the Shark Tank Australia version, where it has inspired online fascination ever since. His objective is to make it famous around the world, although only Aussies get to share the idea about donug. On the other hand, another brand – White Castle already had a circular handled chicken item on the showcase: the chicken ring. However, DONUG sounds more amazing, doesn’t it?