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Every premium smartphone 2018 offers AI feature

Every premium smartphone in 2018 is coming with a new feature called AI. For now, few smartphones come with this feature that helps you to interact less with you. Read below to know what is the AI.

Every premium smartphone with AI feature

Companies like Samsung, Apple, and Nokia, are the top in innovating in such kind of features. Also, with phones like Nokia 8, Samsung Galaxy Note 8 and iPhone X, you can easily execute tasks. The AI is the feature called Artificial Intelligence that is stored in few smartphone today. However, Samsung is focusing on developing new chips that can deliver high AI interaction with your Samsung smartphones. Apple is doing so as well as LG, and Nokia.

With the artificial intelligence software, your smartphone can learn your behavior. Your smartphone does not only recognize you, but it also adapts and execute your tasks easily. Today, the AI mostly help you organize your documents and Google photos. Sometimes Google shows you your best pictures of the week and arranges them in specific folders by categories and time frame. The AI software is what does that for you, and many people are not aware of this.

Some features of the AI are Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana and Google search. These are the top digital assistant that help you to execute your tasks. The AI recognizes you, identifies you and do what you are asking. Next year, every premium smartphone is going more AI friendly. No typing and no searching, you can use your phone just by looking at it and talking about it. From next year, your smartphone can help you in achieving more especially when you do not have much time.

Every premium smartphone comes with AI

In 2018, your smartphone can graphically be intensive with all kind of apps support. With this sort of innovation, smartphones industries can deliver portable smart robots that know you and what you like.

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