The best countries with a coffee culture: the third one will surprise you!!

Coffee addicts, gather around! Today, let us introduce you to the best countries with a coffee culture so you can plan your next vacation this summer soon! Check them out right below!



Unsurprisingly, Brazil is at the top of our list of the best countries with a coffee culture! They are the top exporter for more than 150 years, with a share today of nearly 16% of the world’s total coffee exports. Moreover, according to the CIA’s The World Factbook, Brazilians also love drinking coffee too, daily!
Brazil coffee is mostly small cups of sweetened filtered coffee cafezino, served to boil hot. Besides, café com leite (flat whites) and café curto (espressos) are popular alternatives in cafes, restaurants and at lunch stands. Even small children drink coffee too, and tea is rarely seen in daily life!



Without a doubt, we need to mention the homeland of coffee – Ethiopia! You can always find coffee at every corner in town. Moreover, Ethiopian usually start the day by preparing a brew over the fire. Additionally, we can spot a “coffee corner” in every restaurant, where a staff can be roasting coffee brans and waving the pan under your nose on entry to cleanse your aura and bring you luck. Besides, coffee is the centre of family get-togethers, cultural ceremonies and work breaks.



It is going to be a shame to not mention the world’s second-biggest coffee exporter, Vietnam! The South East Asia country is famous for “Vietnamese Coffee”; which is an individual cup slow-drip filter coffee and Iced Coffee (coffee with or without milk) plus ice. Besides, as there was a shortage of milk due to the French War, they also develop a special kind of coffee on their own. Meet Egg Coffee; which is where a whole egg is whipped into coffee to make it creamy.



According to many reports, Finland is now the world’s biggest consumers of coffee, at 12 kilograms a year. In details, we have 14%of men, and 6% of women who drink more than 10 cups a day. What a number! Based on what we have seen, the most significant reason for such consumption is the cold climate. Who wouldn’t go for a hot drink in such a freezing day? Moreover, we can also find many coffee shops in Helsinki with decent coffee, and also Starbuck!



Lastly, we have to talk about Italy and their “coffee culture”. We know that they take their coffee seriously, as well as how the coffee-drinking conduct. You should never complain about your coffee when you are in Italy.


The best countries with a coffee culture: the third one will surprise you!!